A study was released in Science magazine on February 3rd: Coercive Citation in Academic Publishing.
The authors analyzed 6672 responses from a survey sent to researchers in economics, sociology, psychology, and multiple business disciplines (marketing, management, finance, information systems, and accounting) as well as data from 832 journals in those same disciplines
The survey results are available in the supporting material along with a list of journals identified as 'coercers' by survey respondents.
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of Retailing
- Marketing Science
- Journal of Banking and Finance
- Information and Management
- Applied Economics
- Academy of Management Journal
- Group and Organization Management
- Journal of Consumer Psychology
- Psychology and Marketing
Conclusion from the paper:
Overall, the empirical results from the author survey and the journal-based data tell a consistent story. Coercive self-citation exists and is more common in the business disciplines than in economics, sociology, and psychology