O'Reilly Radar started a new series this month tagged: Strata Gems
Example: using Twitter for graphs:
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Finally, this post details 10 Best Data Visualization Projects:
Example: Where the Tourist Really Flock (using Flickr)
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Eigenfactor is currently looking into how to incorporate real-time usage data, as well as “citation-like references” from scholars on social networking sites. Shout-outs on scholarly blogs, Twitter, and Facebook, along with digital dog-earing on social bookmarking sites such as CiteULike and Connotea, might also be used as proxies for influence
image from the MESUR website. |
More often tenure provides a lifetime of job security not to professors whose work requires protection, but to a significant minority of "deadwood" — individuals who are unproductive, out of date, or poor in their research, teaching or institutional commitment.
[...] the reason for this high position is the performance of exactly one (1) academic: Mohamed El Naschie, who published 323 articles in the Elsevier journal Chaos, Solitons and Fractals of which he is the founding editor.His article mentions the fact that THE has "outsourced citation analysis to Thomson Reuters"
[...]in business research, [...] an exceedingly interesting battle rages. Only HBS, Darden and Ivey believe in case-based research and create a meaningful number of cases each year. The remaining schools focus primarily, if not exclusively, on what might be called contemporary social sciences research.
How large will the index be at the time of the launch?
At launch, there will be about 25,000 volumes in the database. Book Citation Index will include publications from major publishers, university presses, and other major book sources. [...]
Right now, we are accepting books in the sciences published from 2005 to the present. In the social sciences and humanities, [we accept] anything with a copyright date of 2003 to the present.Read the full interview here.
Linden Lab has said it will allow current education customers to extend their discounted price if they pay their virtual rent in advance.
The Judge has granted the defense motion for summary judgment on two of the three claims — direct and vicarious infringement — and denied it in regard to the third claim, which is contributory infringement. The plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment has been denied in its entirety. The net result is that the case will go forward on the single issue of contributory infringement.
Each book chapter is available as a PDF file without digital rights management (DRM). These files can be downloaded, printed, and even transferred to a PDA or Kindle. Eventually, these ebooks will be linked from our campus catalogs as well as from Melvyl, UC-eLinks, and Google Scholar.UC is running a survey on the project and results will be posted on this page.
Final and citable articles are published without needing to wait until a journal issue is complete; speeding the publication process by an average of 7 weeks
Would you recommend the Kindle DX to an incoming Darden MBA student? A total of 75 to 80 percent answered “no”
Would you recommend the Kindle DX to an incoming MBA student as a personal reading device? A total of 90 to 95 percent said “yes”
ORCID, Inc. aims to solve the author/contributor name ambiguity problem in scholarly communications by creating a central registry of unique identifiers for individual researchers and an open and transparent linking mechanism between ORCID and other current author ID schemes.
Several organizations have agreed to contribute data sources and technologies to aid the initial development of the ORCID prototype, including: Researcher ID profile system from Thomson Reuters, author profiles from REPEC, Scholars Universe, Scopus, and bibliographic data from the CrossRef metadata database.List of participating universities, publishers, organizations.
Zotero Everywhere will have two main components: a standalone desktop version of Zotero with full integration into a variety of web browsers and a radically expanded application programming interface (API) to provide web and mobile access to Zotero libraries. Zotero is a production of the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University.
The National Research Council released the Data-Based Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs on September 28, 2010. The report consists of a descriptive volume, and a comprehensive data table in Excel containing data on characteristics and ranges of rankings for over 5000 programs in 62 fields at 212 institutions.